East Auckland Saturday Appointments only
(+$20 if invoicing required)
Others times can be made available upon request, please get in touch if you have any enquiries
15 min
1 hr
140 New Zealand dollars
Location Online Only
Brisbane, QLD
East Auckland - Saturdays
Fees and Cancellation Policy
Sliding scale is available. I have a couple of spaces that I reserve for people with financial hardships. Please contact me to discuss your situation.
24-hours cancellation policy is required.
No cancellations or changes allowed within 24 hours of the appointment with emergency consideration.
Late cancellations have a significant impact on counsellors as it is often impossible to fill appointments at late notice. We understand that kids get sick and work appointments crop up and that at times these must take priority. Therefore provided you give at least a couple of hours notice, a part rather than full session fee will be charged. No shows will be charged at the full session rate. If you give enough notice and you can rebook, there will be no charge.
This cancellation policy is standard in the medical and mental health fields and will be strictly enforced. The only time I will waive this fee is in the event of serious circumstances and emergencies.
Online Only